Swimming Brian Fallon Swimming Brian Fallon

Never swim with fogged up goggles again!

We’re proud to announce that AquaTerra Coaching, LLC is now an official affiliate of FOG-X anti-fog goggle inserts!

These are the simplest, most resilient anti-fog products we have ever seen! Literally. Unlike most anti-fog products, which are liquid solutions that you either spray on the inside of your goggles (Every. Single. Time. 🤬), or put some drops in and rub the solution around, FOG-X inserts are exactly that: inserts. They apply similar to the screen protector for your smartphone (but MUCH simpler to install, if you follow a few basic steps), and that’s it! No more foggy goggles! We’ve been testing them out for a few weeks now, and can confidently say that these things WORK AS ADVERTISED! But don’t take out word for it. Listen to what Olympic swimmer and coach Glenn Mills, founder of GoSwim.TV has to say about them:

"I've recently installed an Endless Pool Elite for training and instruction, and there is a very important aspect to pools like this... whatever is in the pool, loops around and will eventually hit you in the face. This includes chemicals and/or spit that you use to prep your goggles. 

I've been testing these inserts in various goggles, even my 30-year-old Swedes, and they work great. A quick dip in the water, a little shake to get any extra water out, and put on the goggles. So simple and incredibly effective. Nicely done."

Of course, FOG-X inserts can’t help leaky goggles - that’s a fit issue. But when our goggles fit well, we find we can go for an entire session without ever having to stop to “clear them”.

All AquaTerra Coaching, LLC athletes and supporters get a 10% discount on FOG-X Anti-Fog inserts! Want to get in on all our great team discounts? Contact us today!

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